Sunday, September 27, 2015

Day 14 Author Blog Challenge

Describe your editing process. Who edited/will edit your book? What was your relationship with your editor like? What could each of you have done to improve the process? What might you do differently in the future?

Although I’m not averse to seeking opinion on areas I carry doubts about, this is usually done while the work is in progress and I don’t use an editor as I trust my skills in this area. I know what I want to say and how I want to say it.

I have diplomas in Professional Writing and Editing and Editing and Proofreading. As an editor, my work is mainly in the area of structural and copy editing and I encourage and retain an open line of communication with the writer using a collaborative approach, offering alternatives with explanation, where necessary and/or appropriate, rather than standing firm on a point of opinion. I also see my role as having a mentor/encouragement/support component that comes from a base of respect for the writer’s endeavour and skill.

As a proofreader of my own work I pretty much stink at it. What I most need is another proof reader to pick up those annoying typos or punctuation errors that seem to glide past my eye when proofing my own work. Unfortunately I don’t spot these until the work is in print and then they jump straight off the page at me and I wonder how I could have not seen them before. 

1 comment:

  1. Funny how we can miss so much when we read our own writing, that's why it's so important to take a break every now and then.


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